Distance: 108,59 km Time: 5:40 Total distance: 2279 km
Again I begin my post with yesterday, as I went into a bar yesterday evening to enjoy one or two beer and then it happened, a local family was invited me to drink some of their beers with them from the happy hour. The guys presented them self as Rom, Diamond and Lucky. They were all tuk tuk drivers 😂 (on the left side one can identify the reflections of the wheels of my bicycle😁)

They also had some food on them, like chicken and this one:

These fried insects tasted really good (salty) and I didn’t have the feeling like I had one time on the road when one insect landed in my mouth while riding😂 These were very soft.
Today I started normally. At the beginning it was a little bit hilly but nothing really steep. After 20 km it got flat again for the rest of the day. The flat part began with rice fields which then got replaced by little fisher villages.

At the road I then thought: yeahh great a hill

But the road went over the hill in Cambodian style: going around😂
The first wreak I saw on the road

Finally one good shot of a water buff

20 km before I arrived I met 2 cyclists from Poland. First they were just interested in my bicycle and equipment and then the topic changed to where to find a good restaurant on the road. We separated quickly as they still had to do 60 km to Sihanoukville.
Now I am in Kampot, another touristic city at the ocean of Cambodia.
Tomorrow I will cross the border to Vietnam😀
I once (pretty often) told myself on the bicycle to talk a little bit about my equipment. I still don’t know why I took this shot today of my handle bar, but now I can talk about it. So from left to right:
- A red buff, I take it off to clean my face from sweat.
- My bell, it’s useless here, because they don’t know the sound, and it’s not loud enough for them.
- My GPS, telling me (most of the time) where to go and how many kilometers remaining. It’s not always good to know how far you still have to go, but I think otherwise I would never go so far. It’s fixed with a red cord in case it fells of because it’s not correctly fixed. It happened once to me on the road bike at 30 km/h back at home. It’s still working fine but I think it’s not really healthy for the GPS😂
- In the front: my handlebar bag (yeah it’s still there, although I said it was broken, it doesn’t look perfect, bended to the front, but it’s okay, I think). It contains: My camera, notebook (not a laptop, but paper), my sunglasses (when they are not on my nose), my phone, power bank. On top there are paper cards of Nepal (completely useless with GPS and smart phone). On the right side there is my little horn, actually that one is really useful as bell because people and some animals are used to the sound and it’s louder. It also amuses people when I park my bike somewhere, so I always know that somebody is looking after it☺️. The orange thing hanging down from the bag next to the fixation of the bag is from the juggling convention in Herxheim. It was a frog with 4 legs, now it only has 1 left😂 (hang in there froggy)
- My road computer, telling speed, distance, time on the road, average and total distance. Normally it’s set to maximum speed so that I don’t always see how less I went since I last checked, which would be every few seconds, if it would show the distance.
- A black sweat band. It hard to see on the handle but it’s the one I use the most on the road, because the buff is hard to get of and doesn’t really absorb that much sweat but it’s good when I want to clean my head when I don’t have my helmet on.